Four separate pressure sensors not only give feedback about where I’m pressing, but also how hard.
>> Pressure Sensor Matrix Instructable
The sensitivity is ideal for finger pressure. Though it is not linear, it is stable. Very sensitive to light touch and then it takes a lot of pressure to reach the minimum resistance. The inside looks just like the fabric pressure sensors, except each stitch is connected to a separate conductive fabric tab. The downside is that separate tabs and connections to these tabs take up a lot of space, especially if you want to achieve a tight matrix of sensors. A grid of lines and columns and some code to analyze these (separately power and measure) would allow for much tighter spacing. This version is nice because it is so simple.
The Instructable covers two slightly different versions of the pressure sensor matrix. The only difference being the spacing of the individual pressure sensors in the matrix. In one of them they are placed practically next to each other (white) and in the other there is a 1cm space in between each sensor (purple), but because of the thickness of the neoprene it is not possible to press in between the sensors without pressuring a sensor.
how bad is the crosstalk between sensors?
Reply: Maybe you can kind of see from the videos (I’ve added the playlist to this post). I find differentiation between inputs to be quite clear, it depends a lot on how precise you are with your stitches. The videos show a range of different techniques, but the neoprene version with conductive thread stitches and Velostat (or now Eeonyx) in between definitely have the nicest range and separation between sensors.
Hello there) ) )
I just wanted to ask where to get this material?
Do you sell it?
Or maybe you could sell us ready sensor-panel as in video above?
We could buy it from you, as we’re in real need of that staff.
Contact me, ASAP.
sensor kits are for sale on etsy:
Hello Admin,
Is there any information as to the scalability of this matrix for a much larger area ?
I noted that you mentioned the sensitivity under finger pressure and I was wondering if sensitivity under foot pressure had been determined ?
If an overlay of a pvc material at a weight of 3.9 lbs/sq. yd were placed atop this matrix would the sensitivity of the sensor design cause it to be triggered or would it be a matter of adding more resistive layers to prevent that ?
Thanks Very much
the sensor should be able to scale and also be sensitive to greater pressures, such as human body weight. i’ve made a pair of slippers with these sensors embedded in the soles to measure changes in pressure that come from shifting body weight it it worked great (
you can modify the sensitivity mostly by adjusting the area of your conductive surfaces on either side of the velostat (piezoresistive materials). layering the velostat also works to some degree.
i am pretty sure this is the sort of thing that God really had in mind when he gave us the knowledge of electronics.
can we continuously monitor the pressure by this sensor and interface it with vb 6??
I’m trying to make a musical instrument that would lay flat on a table and be played with mallets. There would be white and black keys laid out on the surface like on a piano or marimba. I definitely want to allow for both pressure and multiple notes at the same time (two or even four mallets). I’m trying to decide whether to use this technique (really, a separate resistor/ADC channel for each note) or the x-y resistive touchpad technique. Any suggestions? Also, would you recommend Velostat or Eonyx for such an application? (Assuming Eonyx will sell me a small amount).
Your stuff is all totally amazing! Thanks so much for sharing!
Looks interesting. Any idea how durable it is?
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