Example Projects

Circuits and Code Wireless

Meet the Materials
Conductive Materials
Non-Conductive Materials
Thinking Out Loud
  • ATtiny Breadboard Programming Piggyback Extension
  • ATtiny Programming Shield
  • Breadboard Pincushion
  • Circular Knitting Looms
  • Circular Knitting Machines
  • Circular Sock Knitting Machines
  • Circular Weaving Looms
  • CNC Textile Machines
  • desoldering wick
  • digital USB microscope
  • DIY Mini Breadboard
  • ESP octopus sewable breakout
  • ETextile Tester Bracelet
  • Fabric Markers
  • Fabric Scissors
  • File
  • Hole Maker
  • Hot Air Gun
  • Craft Iron
  • ISP Alligator Clip Extension
  • Laser Cutter
  • LilyPad SnapRing
  • MQTT Brokers and Clients
  • MQTT client
  • multimeter hat
  • Needle Threader
  • ohmBroach
  • ohmGlove
  • ohmHook
  • ohmTranslator
  • Pincushion Breadboard Bracelet
  • Pompom Maker
  • Popper Machines
  • Prototyping with Snaps
  • CNC Milling Machine
  • Resistance Visualization Tool
  • Seam-Ripping Continuity Meter
  • Sewing Machines
  • Snap Press Options
  • Knitting dolly
  • Spudger
  • Tester Overview
  • Tester Tool: bracelets
  • Tester Tool: circle
  • Tester Tool: simple strip
  • Tester Tool: u-shape
  • Thin nose pliers
  • Vibrating Crochet Hook
  • Vinylcutter
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    Content by Mika Satomi and Hannah Perner-Wilson
    E-Textile Tailor Shop by KOBAKANT
    The following institutions have funded our research and supported our work:

    Since 2020, Hannah is guest professor of the Spiel&&Objekt Master's program at the University of Performing Arts Ernst Busch in Berlin

    From 2013-2015 Mika was a guest professor at the eLab at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee

    From July - December 2013 Hannah was a researcher at the UdK's Design Research Lab

    From 2010-2012 Mika was a guest researcher in the Smart Textiles Design Lab at The Swedish School of Textiles

    From 2009 - 2011 Hannah was a graduate student in the MIT Media Lab's High-Low Tech research group led by Leah Buechley

    In 2009 Hannah and Mika were both research fellows at the Distance Lab

    Between 2003 - 2009 Hannah and Mika were both students at Interface Cultures
    We support the Open Source Hardware movement. All our own designs published on this website are released under the Free Cultural Works definition

    ATtiny Programming Shield

    This little circuit sits nicely ontop of an Arduino board and lets you quickly plug in an ATtiny chip for programming using the Arduino “language” and IDE to write the code, and the Arduino board as an ISP programmer to upload the code to the tiny chip.

    >> Instructable

    For instructions on how to use Arduino to program ATtinies, please look at the following links. This post will only explain how to build the programming shield.
    Arduino as ISP >> http://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=3742
    Arduino board as ATtiny programmer (by Dave Mellis) >> http://hlt.media.mit.edu/?p=1706
    Programming an ATtiny w/ Arduino 1.0.1 (by Dave Mellis) >> http://hlt.media.mit.edu/?p=1695

    Step-by-Step Instructions


    – Perforated circuit board
    – Male and female headers
    – Wire
    – 10uF capacitor
    – Arduino Uno or Duemilanove (with an ATmega328, not an older board with an ATmega168!)
    – ATtiny45 or 85


    – Cutter knife
    – Cutting mat
    – File
    – Wire cutters and stripper
    – Soldering iron
    – Helping hand

    Use the following illustration to help you throughout the following steps:

    1) Cut Circuit Board to Shape

    Cut a piece of perforated circuit board to size and file the edges:

    2) Solder Male Headers

    Take 4 male headers and solder them to the circuit board, but with the solder connections on the unintended side of the circuit board. So solder them you will need to hold them away from the circuit board a bit so that you can make the solder connection. Once you’ve got the first pin soldered the rest will be easier:

    Video: Soldering headers to perforated circuit board:

    Make sure the board with headers fit into your Arduino:

    3) Disconnect Circuit Traces

    Disconnect the line traces as follows (see illustration and video) using a cutter knife:

    Video: Cutting connection on a perforated circuit board:

    4) Solder Female Headers

    Then insert the female header pins and use an ATtiny chip as reference to make sure you get the spacing right:

    Then solder:

    5) Solder Circuit

    Use jumper wire or cut wire to length and strip either end and start to populate the circuit board with wires to make the connections between the pins of the Arduino and the pins of the ATtiny. Use illustration and the following information for reference:

    Wiring your ISP connection:
    ATtiny —– Arduino
    Pin PB2 (SCK) —– Pin 13
    Pin PB1 (MISO) —– Pin 12
    Pin PB0 (MOSI) —– Pin 11
    Pin PB5 (Reset) —– Pin 10
    Plus (VCC) —– +5V
    Minus (GND) —– GND

    10uF Capcitor:
    Arduino pins: RESET —-||—- GND

    Bend wires on bottom side to stop them falling out before you solder them:


    6) Upload your program!

    Now plug in your Arduino and follow the instructions in the Arduino as ISP post linked to at the top of this page.

    Video: Using ATtiny shield to program an ATtiny to play a song:

    3 Comments so far

    1. Markus Ulfberg on March 5th, 2013

      Very nice writeup with lot’s of pictures. Since I have a tendency to rant on with long texts and less pictures myself but lack the attention span to actually read nearly as much as I write, I think you’ve done a near perfect job here.

      I will definitely be making one of these shields in the near future.

    2. Tom on June 7th, 2013

      Hi there. Was just wondering why the cap between GND and reset?

    3. HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT on November 27th, 2013

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