Wouldn’t it be nice if you could simply press-fit your LilyPad Arduino to your fabric circuit traces! That you could sew your circuit with the sewing machine using conductive thread and not have to do all the hard-soft connections by hand! Here some experiments in making a 3D printed LilyPad SnapRing that connects in this way…
First Demo
Cut file:
Lasercut fusible and conductive fabric petals:
Fusible fused to conductive fabric:
Press-fit to LilyPad hole:
Front and back:
Also possible to mount the other way:
Sewing with the machine:
Front and back:
Sewing on LED lights:
First sketch…
Shapelock trail…
My first 3D modeling attempt in years…
Testing for size…
Troy’s LilyPad holder…
Katharina’s board…
Jussi’s board…
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