16-20 November 2015 as part of the Interaction Design Masters at ECAL in Lausanne, Switzerland
This workshop is only open to Ecal students.
From Swatches to Pockets is an introductory electronic textile workshop that draws upon the E-Textile Swatch Exchange as a means of acquiring knowledge and skill, as well as a source of inspiration for imagining pocket technology of the future.
The E-Textile Swatch Exchange is a platform for sharing physical work samples in the field of electronic textiles (E-Textiles). Each year individuals from the field submit a design that demonstrates an E-Textile technique that they have developed and refined. They produce multiples of their design so that everybody taking part in the exchange receives a complete book of swatches. This workshop draws upon the 73 unique swatches that have been submitted to the exchange over the past 3 years. Workshop participants will study these swatches in depth by copying and modifying a selection of them. This process of replication is intended as a means of getting to know the materials and acquiring the knowledge and skill behind the techniques. The copied swatches will be collected and turned into a swatchbook of their own, wherein each swatch references it’s predecessor.
Besides functioning as an introduction to various e-textile sensors, actuators, connections and materials, the examples in the swatchbook will also be used as to inspire a series of projects which consider the application of e-textiles to pockets and pouches.
Digital technology has made its way onto our body by invading our pockets. Now that electronic textiles allow us to integrate electronic technology into the fabric of our clothing, what will happen? Will our pockets take on gadget functionality? Might they become obsolete? Or will we find new items that need a place on our bodies? What role will pockets play in a future where our technologies are textile? Let us look at the history of pockets, pouches and wearable technology, for hints at what might come next.
Flickr set >> https://www.flickr.com/photos/plusea/albums/72157660981143460
Introductions (Plusea/How To Get What You Want/Kobakant, students, workshop topic and schedule)
Swatchbook Demo Session – SENSORS (detailed introduction to the sensor swatch examples from the E-Textile Swatch Exchange)
Materials & Tools & Techniques Introduction (show-and-tell introducing the various materials, tools and techniques available throughout the workshop)
Copy / Modify / Document a SENSOR Swatch (pick a sensor swatch to replicate. copy it as closely as possibly given the materials and tools available for the workshop. mount the swatch on a new page and document it with text and illustration. the documentation should reference the original swatch, describe it’s functionality in your own words and list any modifications that were made.)
Homework (read about the history of pockets, pouches and wearable technology – see links bellow)
Swatchbook Demo Session – ACTUATORS (detailed introduction to the actuator swatch examples from the E-Textile Swatch Exchange)
Materials & Tools & Techniques Introduction (show-and-tell introducing the various materials, tools and techniques available for actuators)
Copy / Modify / Document an ACTUATOR Swatch (students each pick one actuator swatch to replicate. copy it as closely as possibly given the materials and tools available for the workshop. mount the swatch on a new page and document it with text and illustration. the documentation should reference the original swatch, describe it’s functionality in your own words and list any modifications that were made.)
SENSOR + ACTUATOR (design a swatch that combines a sensor and an actuator and document it)
Present Project Ideas and Discuss (look at history of pockets and discuss what influence textile technology will have on the future of the pocket)
Project Development
Present (13:00, 30 minute presentation of Plusea/How To Get What You Want/A Kit-of-No-Parts/Kobakant)
First Prototype (possibly create a quick first prototype in order to be able to experience “wearing” it)
Project Work (all day)
Final Presentation (13:00)
E-textile Swatchbooks
E-Textile Summercamp >> http://etextile-summercamp.org/
E-textile Swatch Exchange >> http://etextile-summercamp.org/swatch-exchange/
2015 PDF >> http://etextile-summercamp.org/swatch-exchange/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/SwatchBookExchange2015_PDF_spreads.pdf
2014 PDF >> http://etextile-summercamp.org/swatch-exchange/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/SwatchBookExchange2014_PDF_DS.pdf
2013 PDF >> http://etextile-summercamp.org/2013/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/SwatchBookExchange2013_print_DS.pdf
Textile Interface Swatchbook (by Georgia Tech) >> https://research.cc.gatech.edu/ccg/?q=publications/textile-interface-swatchbook-creating-graphical-user-interface-widgets-conductive
>> http://www.clintzeagler.com/2013/03/27/the-electronic-textile-interface-swatch-book/
Wearable Technology
Design for Wearability >> http://monet.cs.columbia.edu/courses/mobwear/resources/gemperle-iswc98.pdf
Fashioning Tech (blog) >> http://fashioningtech.com/
Talk 2 My Shirt (blog) >> http://talk2myshirt.com/
History of Pockets…
Close at Hand – A Pocket History of Technology >> https://medium.com/@dianakimball/close-at-hand-b4331294160d#.4gf6lmmg1
The Killer Mobile Device for Victorian Women >> http://www.collectorsweekly.com/articles/the-killer-mobile-device-for-victorian-women/
The power of a pocket – Why it matters who wears the trousers >> http://new.spectator.co.uk/2011/06/the-power-of-a-pocket/
Fashion Is in the Bag – A History of Handbags >> http://www.randomhistory.com/2008/10/01_handbag.html
The Gender Politics of Pockets >> http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/09/the-gender-politics-of-pockets/380935/
Close at Hand A Pocket History of Technology >> https://medium.dianakimball.com/close-at-hand-b4331294160d#.4gf6lmmg1
Related work:
A Wearable Studio Practice >> http://www.plusea.at/?p=5385
Clothing that arranges the body- >> http://www.plusea.at/cab.php
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