also: Massage me: How to get what you want
This workshop references the motivations behind creating Massage me. We wanted a free massage, so we decided to modify an existing scenario for our benefit. Participants are encouraged to consider alternative interaction scenarios concerning console gaming and must think about how different, and possibly soft input methods, might lead to new gaming experiences for both the gamer and anybody else involved.
The workshop aims to be a short introduction into hacking a gamepad and how very simple soft electronics can be used to create an alternative interface. The materials used are cheap and off the shelf, so that the practice introduced in the workshop can be continued at home. Sewing, soldering and experimenting with materials is not hard and should become everyday practice. During the workshop the participants will need to analyze existing game interfaces as well as the games. There will also be a focus on mapping input and output to the body and seeing how it can be made wearable.
Students will hack a gamepad and prototype their vision of an alternative interaction scenario using soft electronics as well as other available materials.
Depending on the backgrounds of the participants this workshop will try to adjust to their interests and skills. The first day of the workshop will introduce the participants to the technology, materials and methods and end with a brainstorming session. Students will decide on a concept to realize the next day (with respect to the time-frame). The second day will start off with hacking, soldering and sewing and by the end of the day the groups will present their functioning alternative game interface.
Duration: 2 hours or 2 days
Participants: 15-20 or 12
Required skills: none
Campus Party Valencia, Spain (2008)
Campus Party Bogota, Colombia (2008)
DE-Day Beijing, China (2008)
Massage me
Digital Day Camp Eyebeam, New York, USA (2008)
Conductive fabric, conductive thread, fusible, poppers, metal faseners, hook-up wire, thin flexible wire, sponge, velostat, neoprene, regular fabric, regular thread, old clothing items, playstation controller…
Sewing needles, sewing machine, iron and board, soldering stations, wire cutters, wire strippers, pliers, multi-meters, hole makers, cutting mats, fabric scissors, popper machines, pens and paper, Playstation, screen or projector…
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