Example Projects

Circuits and Code Wireless

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Conductive Materials
Non-Conductive Materials
Thinking Out Loud
Non-Conductive Materials
  • Fabric Glues
  • Fabrics
  • Felt
  • felting yarn
  • Flex PCB and Solder Mask Supplies
  • Flux
  • Foam
  • Fold Over Elastic (FOE)
  • Fusible Interfacing
  • Liquid Electrical Tape
  • Neoprene
  • Paper Yarn
  • Pemotex
  • Polymorph
  • Thermochromic Ink
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    Content by Mika Satomi and Hannah Perner-Wilson
    E-Textile Tailor Shop by KOBAKANT
    The following institutions have funded our research and supported our work:

    Since 2020, Hannah is guest professor of the Spiel&&Objekt Master's program at the University of Performing Arts Ernst Busch in Berlin

    From 2013-2015 Mika was a guest professor at the eLab at Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee

    From July - December 2013 Hannah was a researcher at the UdK's Design Research Lab

    From 2010-2012 Mika was a guest researcher in the Smart Textiles Design Lab at The Swedish School of Textiles

    From 2009 - 2011 Hannah was a graduate student in the MIT Media Lab's High-Low Tech research group led by Leah Buechley

    In 2009 Hannah and Mika were both research fellows at the Distance Lab

    Between 2003 - 2009 Hannah and Mika were both students at Interface Cultures
    We support the Open Source Hardware movement. All our own designs published on this website are released under the Free Cultural Works definition
    Non-Conductive Materials

    Flex PCB and Solder Mask Supplies

    Solder masks are layers of mataerial applied to circuitboards before soldering. The protect the conductive traces against oxidization and shorting out, but also help control the flow of solder when soldering the parts to the board. Solder masks are commonly silk-screened on to the etched circuit as a thin layer of coloured epoxy. Solder masks can also be lasercut from kapton films that have a hot-melt adhesive layer so that they can be ironed-on or laminated to the circuit baord. Another readily available way of making a soldermask is to lasercut or vinycut one from more common materials. It is important that the materials can withstand the heat of soldering, and fusible interfacing (hot-melt adhesives) can be applied to almost any flat material. Silk is a fabric that can withstand high temperatures and it also feels and looks nice.

    Laser- and Vinylcut Solder Masks >> http://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=4909


    Kapton film
    0.18mm thick SYNtherm(R) H from Snyflex >> http://www.synflex.com/

    Kapton film with hot-melt-adhesive
    CMC 70115 Kaptonklebeband mit Polysiloxankleber
    Trägerstärke: 0.05mm
    Gesamtstärke: 0.1mm

    CMC 70968 Kaptonklebeband mit Polysiloxankleber
    Trägerstärke: 0.075mm
    Gesamtstärke: 0.11mm

    from cmc Klebetechnik >> http://www.cmc.de

    Kapton Tape
    many online distributors

    Copper Foil with Adhesive
    Techsoft >> http://www.techsoft.co.uk/products/knife-cutting/materials/cutronic-foil-pcbs.asp

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