5-9 May 2014, taught by David Gauthier, David Mellis and Hannah Perner-Wilson at the Copenhagen Institute for Interaction Design in Copenhagen, Denmark
In this introductory course, electronics are presented as materials. How might we imagine and build electronics differently, if instead of thinking about electronics in terms of discrete components, we learn to control the flow of electricity through different materials?
Students will hack open an existing electronic device and modify it by replacing parts with things they can make themselves. Understanding how things work through learning by doing. Conductive materials such as copper tape, carbon paint, pencil graphite and metalized fabrics will be used to cut, fold, paint and sew functioning electronics. Pre-programmed ATtiny microcontrollers will be introduced for circuits with more complex behaviors such as resistive sensing to control LED lights, capacitive sensing to make sound, and the use of Transistors/MOSFETS to amplify/decouple power sources in order to heat thermochromic paints.
Day 1: Hacking open a toy piano and making paper speakers
Day 2: Paper circuits and microcontrollers
Analog/resistive sensing –> LED light behavours:
code >> https://github.com/plusea/CODE/tree/master/WORKSHOP%20CODE/CIID
Paper version of above circuit:
Paper sensors with carbon paint and copper tape:
Paper circuit with ATtiny microcontroller, copper tape and SMD LEDs:
Analog/resistive sensing –> sound:
code >> https://github.com/plusea/CODE/tree/master/WORKSHOP%20CODE/CIID
LED light tester:
Day 3: Soft circuits and textile sensors
How To Get What You Want >> http://www.kobakant.at/DIY
Tester circuit:
Danish Krown slide switch:
Day 4: Capacitive sensing, Transistors / Mosfets and thermochromic pigment
Capacitive sensing –> sound:
code >> https://github.com/plusea/CODE/tree/master/WORKSHOP%20CODE/CIID
Capacitive sensing –> MOSFET –> thermochromic heating:
code >> https://github.com/plusea/CODE/tree/master/WORKSHOP%20CODE/CIID
Materials and Tools
Conductive Materials
Karl-Grimm copper conductive thread (solderable)
Silver plated nylon thread by Statex (not solderable) 235/34 dtex High Conductive
Stainless steel thread by Bekaert (not solderable, good for heating) sold by Sparkfun
Silver plated lycra (knit stretch conductive fabric) by Statex, sold by LessEMF
Silver plated rip-stop fabric (woven conductive fabric) by Statex, sold by LessEMF
Resistive Materials
Velostat by 3M (resistance across distance, piezoresistive effect) sold by LessEMF
Stainless steel yarn (short stainless steel fibers spun with polyester) Nm10/3 sold by Plug and Wear
Bare Conductive carbon paint (for painting sensors and heating elements) sold by Sparkfun
Non-Conductive Materials
Neoprene (vulcanized rubber with fabric fused to either side) by Sedochemicals
Heatn Bond fusible interfacing (iron-on heat glue for sticking fabrics together)
Woven fabrics (tend not to be stretchy)
Knit fabrics (tend to be stretchy)
Thermochromic pigment (becomes transparent when heated)
Circular knitting machines
Spool knitters
Materials and Tools:
Sparkfun >> https://www.sparkfun.com/
Farnell >>
RS >>
LessEMF >> http://lessemf.com/
High-Low Tech >> http://hlt.media.mit.edu/
How To Get What You Want >> http://www.kobakant.at/DIY
Jie Qi’s work >> http://web.media.mit.edu/~jieqi/
Open Materials >> http://openmaterials.org/
Fashioning Tech >> http://fashioningtech.com/
Talk2MyShirt >> http://www.talk2myshirt.com/blog/
Code >> https://github.com/plusea/CODE/tree/master/WORKSHOP%20CODE/CIID
Hannah’s photos >> https://www.flickr.com/photos/plusea/sets/72157644080031690
Photos of the course
Flickr set >> https://www.flickr.com/photos/plusea/sets/72157644080031690
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