28 & 29th November 2016 as part of the Madtech course at the Frank Mohr Institute in Groningen, The Netherlands
This workshop is only open to Madtech students.
An Experimental Research Lab
In this two-day workshop we will explore paper’s ability to move and be manipulated. Using a range of conductive materials to invent and construct our own paper sensors and electromagnetic actuators. We will indulge in the properties of paper to bend, fold, flex, crinkle, crumple, scrunch, spring, flatten, expand… between two-dimensional to three-dimensional forms. We want to get lost in a sea of possibility. To learn, to understand and to be inspired by doing. The goal is not to develop a project or an idea, but to iterate through an endless series of experiments.
At the end of these two days each participant will be asked to present their process. How do you navigate the process from material to mechanism, from inkling to inquiry, from impulse to output?
Please bring a “foldable” material with you, to contribute to the pool of materials we’ll have to experiment with.
Topics to discover:
– How electromagnetism works
– Making sound/speakers
– Making things turn, spin, flap, fold…
– Paper switches and sensors for triggering/controlling paper motions
– Other ways of setting paper in motion (heat, burning, water, air….)
– Collecting, documenting and sharing your experiments
(- ATtiny programming)
(- Transistor gates for more power)
Rough Schedule:
DAY 1 (11-18:00):
– KOBAKANT and workshop introduction
– Participants introduce themselves
– Challenge 1a: Take parts apart – draw a diagram of their functionality (in pairs of 2)
– – – lunch – – –
– “meet the materials”
– Challenge 1b: Remake the parts in paper – iterate through a series of attempts to recreate the functionality of the part using paper
– Mini presentations: each group presents how their original part works and their paper remake
– Challenge 2: Indulge in the properties of paper – remake a part of your choice, paying close attention to the abilities and characteristics of the paper
DAY 2 (10-17:00):
– exploration continues….
– – – lunch – – –
– exploration continues….
– show and tell (15:00)
Documentation – Capturing Process
E-Textile Swatch Exchange >> http://etextile-summercamp.org/swatch-exchange/category/2016/
How To Get What You Want >> http://www.kobakant.at/DIY/
A Kit-of-No-Parts >> http://kit-of-no-parts.at/
KOBAKANT’s Making-of >> http://www.kobakant.at/?category_name=making-of
Conductive Materials
Kit-of-No-Parts Ingredients >> http://kit-of-no-parts.at/?category_name=ingredients
HTGWYW >> http://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?cat=24
Bare Conductive >> https://www.bareconductive.com/
LessEMF >> http://lessemf.com/paint.html
Paper Electronics
Jie Qi >> http://technolojie.com/category/featured-projects/
The Fine Art of Electronics – paper-based electronics for creative expression
>> https://simonetti.media.mit.edu/~jieqi/
Electronic Popables >>
Paper sensors >> http://samjacoby.com/projects/paper-sensors/
Sliders and wheels >> http://samjacoby.com/projects/wheels-and-sliders/
Paper Strain Gauge from Sam Jacoby on Vimeo.
Origami unfolds a new world of shape-shifting electronics – Researchers are using the geometry of paper folding to come up with futuristic antennas that can retract and compress.
>> https://www.cnet.com/news/origami-unfolds-a-new-world-of-shape-shifting-electronics/
paper speakers >> http://kit-of-no-parts.at/?p=265
motor on a string >> http://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=5185
flap >> http://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=5900
Igne Oyasi motor >>
fur >> http://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=4463
flip dot >> http://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?p=5915
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