Sunday 24 February 2013, 1-6pm, Betahaus Maker Weekend in Berlin, Germany
This workshop is a good introduction to making soft circuits and writing some basic arduino code. Instead of learning how to program an Arduino, participants will learn to use an Arduino to program an ATtiny microcontroller, the difference being that the ATtiny microcontroller is smaller, cheaper and still has five in/out pins which is perfect for projects that don’t need more.
>> Silent Pillow
>> Download booklet PDF (single-sided for screen viewing)
>> Download booklet PDF (double-sided for print)
Together we will write code to play a simple melody of your choice, stitch together a soft switch to trigger the melody and embroider a fabric speaker to play it. All these elements will come together to make a personalized pillow that plays your melody into your ear when you lay your head on the pillow.
This workshop is for everybody interested in making and understanding how electronics work. While it involves programming and sewing, you do not need to know either of these skills to participate in the workshop. Come prepared to soak up basic programming skills as well as craft techniques and learn about new materials such as conductive thread and resistive yarn.
All the materials and tools required for the workshop are provided and included into the price. But feel free to bring extra fabric or decorative elements with you if you want to further customize your creation.
Location: Part of Maker Weekend at Betahaus, Berlin
Max participants: 8
Cost per participant: 46 Euro
Sign-up: on Gidsy
Participants at Work
Cost Breakdown
2 Euro – Attiny microcontroller
1 Euro – 3V Coin-cell battery
2 Euro – Magnet(s)
5 Euro – Highly conductive thread for speaker coil
4 Euro – Knit stretch/pressure sensor
5 Euro – Fabric and thread (silk, cotton, neoprene, fusible interfacing, thread)
3 Euro – Stuffing
1 Euro – Instruction booklet
10 Euro – Workshop fee
Subtotal = 33 Euro + 40% betahaus charge + 10% Gidsy fee = 46 Euro
Rough Content Outline
In the workshop we will cover the following…
Programming an ATtiny microcontroller using an Arduino board:
Reading analog input from a knit stretch/pressure sensor:
Embroidering a speaker coil onto fabric:
Sewing a circuit and soldering components to solderable conductive thread:
Sewing everything together to make a Silent Pillow:
Silent Pillow >>
Arduino as ISP >>
Code >>
[…] 24 2013, 1-6pm Soft and Tiny Pillow Speaker Workshop at Betahaus Maker Weekend in Berlin, […]